Association des Parents d'Elèves du Conservatoire de musique agréé et de danse de Châlons en Champagne

The core development team of the Virtual Fields Method

photograph of Professor Michel Grédiac
Professor Michel Grédiac

photograph of Professor Fabrice Pierron
Professor Fabrice Pierron, camfit webmaster

photograph of Dr Evelyne Toussaint
Dr Evelyne Toussaint

photograph of Dr Marco Rossi
Dr Marco Rossi

Previous members of the development team

Dr Stéphane Avril has been instrumental in the progress of the Virtual Fields Method over the years. He has now moved to Ecole des Mines de St-Etienne (France) where he works on biomechanics.

photograph of Dr Stéphane Avril
Dr Stéphane Avril

The Post-docs

The PhD students